
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Return (Even Though I Never Knew He Left)

This settles it.  We - as in the U. S. of A. - need to take our tea drinking more seriously.  Then we can have spokesmen -animals -stuffed animals like the PG Tips Monkey. 

As best I can tell, PG Tips (which I still find to be a funny name for a tea company) first used chimpanzees, ala  Lancelot Link, in commercials back in the 70's.  Later, they developed a sock monkey to be their mascot.

Search YouTube for "PG Tips Monkey", and you'll find some of his commercials.  Thanks in part to a legal dispute, he apparently went on hiatus.  This clip, is appropriately named, "The Return".

In typical British fashion (no pun intended), he's even been known to don a dress and wig. 


  1. I don't know...I find him a little creepy.

  2. I'm glad you told me he was a monkey--I thought a frog in the first video--guess the rain threw me off!

  3. Nice post. Thank you
    for taking the time to publish this information very useful! I’m still waiting
    for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post thanks!
